

Industrialization has changed people’s lives greatly. The changes brought people not only convenience but also bad consequences. There has been a heated debate on whether the impact is positive or negative. Some say that life was better before industrialization because life was simpler. Others think people are healthier, happier and have more freedom today. It is true that life was simpler before, but the living conditions people now have is much more convenient.  
First of all, some argue that people lived in a more natural and non-polluted environment, so they were healthier. Nevertheless, they were not aware of their health issues. Very little was discovered in the field of medicine. For instance, they used herbs to cure diseases, which was often not effective enough. Furthermore, the food they ate was mostly preserved with a lot of salt or sugar because they did not have enough technology such as refrigerators to preserve the food properly. The environment before the industrialization might have been cleaner, yet the lifestyle people had influences  their healt even more than the pollution nowadays.
Moreover, many people think that nowadays people suffer from  stress more often than those before the industrialization. In fact, before the industrialization, the big divide between social classes caused more mental and physical pressure. The lowest class had predetermined burdens. Some people were born as slaves, having to suffer from extremely heavy work and unequal life conditions. It was difficult, and mostly impossible for the lower classes to ever live a decent life. Who could live without stress under that environment?
Lastly, people debate that people before the industrialization acquired more freedom. Nonetheless, the social classes they had restrained people’s behaviour, composing social norms on them. One example was racial and sexual discriminations; such discriminations are greatly reduced nowadays. People are free from being discriminated. In addition to  mental freedom, people now have physical freedom. Thanks to technology, transportation is more convenient so that people are able to travel around the world. Without the repress of discrimination and the improvements in technology, we have more freedom these days.
The industrialization have changed the society completely. It surely has positive impacts on contemporary human beings. Tremendous improvements on people’s physical health, mental health and freedom had lead human being to better lifestyles.


French Revolution Essay

“Omelettes are not made without breaking eggs,” Maximilien Robespierre, the leader of the radical Jacobins quoted during the French Revolution. The eggs sure did break for France; however, the omelette they made wasn’t successful “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” was the biggest motto and which was also the three major goals of the French Revolution. How can the French Revolution be considered a success if it did not establish its goals?
Their first goal was to establish liberty. In order to do that, people must understand that men had natural, inalienable and sacred rights. It is thought that the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen was one of the basic charters to human liberty. Through the French Revolution, the declaration of rights was made three times; however; it had been omitted in 1799. The freedom that France had once earned had vanished. Also, although the France had accomplished liberty in its nation, the freedom was only available for citizens (only men could become a citizen). Women’s freedom at that time was neglected.
As ironic as it seems, the second goal of the revolution was equality. First of all, people at that time did not seem to have any concern about women’s rights. The Declaration of Rights was only declared for men. Secondly, the rule of freedom made by Robespierre was replaced with the directory, which was controlled by the middle class. The execution of Robespierre was a relief to most of France, but it also led worse ruling and system. With the new government taking place, the rules were changed. It indicated a return of special privileges to the people who had power, money or property.  Only the middle class up could vote and have property.  The title “citizen” had disappeared, meaning the days of equality were over.
During the Revolution, Robespierre was the creator of the guillotine. He had prosecuted many, and had also established many laws to accuse and kill the people, for instance, the Law of Suspects. Due to that matter, Neighbors and friends accused each other; the whole society was full of terror. That time was known as the Reign of Terror, led by Robespierre who ironically was once against all the bloodshed. The revolution made France nothing like a brotherhood; it wasn’t even close to achieving its goal of fraternity.
The well known and most important motto of the French Revolution was its goals; nevertheless, at the end, it did not reach any of them. A hundred years after the Revolution, France finally became a nation that had freedom. However, the French Revolution itself was a failure. 


“Comprehension instruction in content area classes” Summary

In order to comprehend a text, there is a crucial strategy, “Question asking and answering.” Students should ask and answer questions themselves before, during and after the reading. The first group of strategies is the “Getting-ready-to-read strategies” is to help the students to think about what they are about to read before reading. It includes: “Clarifying a purpose for reading,” “Overviewing the text,” “Activating prior knowledge relevant to the text,” “Making predictions about the text.”  The second group is the “During-and after-reading strategies” helps student understanding, remembering and ascertaining students have comprehend what they have read. This strategy includes: “Attending to text structure,” Creating Oral, Vision or Writing Summaries.” Five common structures are enumeration, compare and contrast, cause and effect, Problem and solution and description. To have good summary, students should delete unnecessary and redundant material; then, using simpler words to replace long descriptions. Last, select or create a topic sentence. Learning these strategies can increase the ability of reading and comprehending for students.


If only they knew

The author had two completely different lives at two different schools, just because one of the schools, Riverview High knew she was an anorexic and the other school, Madison High did not. At Riverview, lunch time included a lot of stress because her friends would force her to eat; they were concerned about her health, and everything they did surrounded her disorder. At Riverview, her whole life was all about and only about her disorder. When she transferred to Madison, she became an average teenage girl, they took time to recognize her as who she was. She participated in school events and showed her true character. Although she is glad that people at Riverview were concerned about her health, she wants them to know that she had more than a disorder.

Problems in Taekwondo version 2

Although Taekwondo is an Olympic sport, judging controversy happen very often in Taekwondo because the rules are not specific enough. Due to this matter, much bribery happen in Taekwondo. For instance, Judges can be bribed to give points easier or harder to either side. Intending to solve the problem, the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) changed all the gear to electronic gear; attempt to make the scoring fairer. However, as a result, an outrageous event happened. Which made everyone wonder how fair is Taekwondo? Is Taekwondo a suitable sport for the Olympics?
This event took place in the Guangzhou Asia games in 2010. BBC stated Yang, Shu-chun; a representative of Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) was “a promising gold metal”. However she was disqualified after the first round for, what Taiwanese think an unreasonable reason. Yang was leading 9:0 after the first round, when the second round started, the referee announced Yang’s Vietnamese opponent, Thi, Hau-vu won. The judges and referees did not let Yang or her coach explain or ask any questions. This left them and the whole world with absolutely no clue of what just happened. 
Later on, Zhao Lei, the technical referee of China stated that Yang had worn extra sensors on her heel, which meant that he was accusing Yang of cheating. Yang’s coach protested that Yang had passed the pre-match check, therefore if she did cheat; it was the judge who approved her equipment that was up to blame.
Many people think that Zhao was accusing Yang because of Wu, Jiang-yu. Wu is the representative from China that was in Yang’s weight division was the only opponent that had little chance to win Yang. If Wu won the go medal, it could benefit Zhao’s way to being the head of the Chinese Taekwondo Association.  Meaning that getting Yang eliminated could make sure Wu could win the gold medal.
To justify this situation, Taiwan sued China on the Court of Arbitration for Sports. The story ends by Yang being suspended for three months, as for her coach, he cannot participate in any Taekwondo events for 20 months.
This controversy ending does not mean that it had stopped other controversies to happen. People are still waiting for the WTF to end these judge controversies. Although many people are overwhelmed that Taekwondo is still in for the 2012 Olympics, it still has many problems waiting for the WTF to solve, the bribery and judging controversy and many more.

Problems in Taekwondo

A shocking event that led the doom of being eliminated from the Olympics to Taekwondo was something that Herb Perez, the team leader of USA during the Beijing 2008 Olympics, said after he was furious about the poor judging that happened to Steven Lopez, one of the athletes on his team. He spilled out the shocking news. In June, the Word Taekwondo Federation (WTF) asked the team heads to sign an agreement to not to file any protest because that would lead Taekwondo getting kicked out of the Olympics.
WTF wanted to do this was that Taekwondo was on the edge of getting eliminated due to its unfairness of its scoring system. Before this, International Olympic Committee (IOC) already suspected that Taekwondo was a sport which wasn’t ready for Olympics yet; because its unsuccessful organization and its mismanagement.
The problem in Taekwondo was the deception that happened because of it unclearness in its scoring system. It was up to the judges to determine if they wanted to give points to the athlete’s kick. Therefore, much bribery happened in Taekwondo. Judges and referees were bribed to give points easier or harder to either side. Attempting to fix this problem, the WTF followed the other sports in the Olympics. They replaced the protective gear to electronic protective gear, trying to prevent the deception. An outrageous event happened, which adduced it really was a rash judgment.
In the Guangzhou Asia games, 2010, BBC stated Yang, Shu-chun, a representative of Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) was “a promising gold metal”. However she was disqualified after the first round for, what Taiwanese think an unreasonable reason. Yang was leading 9:0 after the first round, when the second round started, the referee announced Yang’s Vietnamese opponent, Thi, Hau-vu won. The judges and referees did not let Yang or her coach explain or ask any questions. This left them and the whole world with absolutely no clue of what just happened. 
Later on, Zhao Lei, the technical referee of China stated that Yang had worn extra sensors on her heel, which meant that he was accusing Yang of cheating. Yang’s coach protested that Yang had passed the pre-match check, therefore if she did cheat; it was the judge who approved her equipment that was up to blame.
Many people think that Zhao was accusing Yang something that she did not commit was because of Wu, Jiang-yu. Wu is the representative from China that was in Yang’s weight division was the only opponent that had little chance to win Yang. If Wu won the go medal, it could benefit Zhao’s way to being the head of the Chinese Taekwondo Association. This made him even more suspicious of lying.
The Korean government stated this judging controversy had nothing to do with Korea. The conflict should be between Taiwan and China, not Korea. They hope that Taiwanese don’t band their goods and stop burning their national flag. The Chinese declared that they already have enough medals. They would not use thus kind of dirty deception just to win another god medal. Therefore, Taiwan and China clearly do not have an agreement; Taiwan is going to sue China on the Court of Arbitration for Sports.
Although this story hasn’t ended yet, people are waiting for the WTF to end these judge controversies, the bribery and the problem that Taekwondo is not ready for the Olympics yet. Regardless, many people are overwhelmed that Taekwondo is still in for the 2012 Olympics, many changes are waited to be done.