

I am an out-going person, which is the explanation to why I always have friends surrounding me. Friends often come to me for guidance; I always try my best effort to help them. Down-to-earth is a phrase that can exactly condense my whole personality. I despite people who are hypocritical, they are the ones that will stab you in the back when you depend on them. The only people that I depend on are my family.
I have a loving family. My little sister is in grade 5 and my older brother is in grade 12. I am very close with my brother. We talk to each other about everything, our troubles, our relationships, our grades. We know each other really well by all these years. My dad is a computer engineer. He works really late and most of the time we don’t get to eat dinner with him. My mom is a diplomat, which is the reason why I get to explore many different countries and different culture.
I had lived in Ottawa for eight years. Most of my childhood was spent in Ottawa. I went back to Taiwan when I was ten years old. Although the schools and teachers taught different things, I eventually caught up with school work. During the four years in Taiwan, I have also been doing Taekwondo. At first, it was just a hobby of mine; but I gain more and more interest in it, then one day, my master asked me if I wanted to compete. I have been competing in many competitions since then. I have won the city champion many times; I have also represented my city to compete in the nationals, but I unfortunately didn’t win. Therefore it was a great experience. This summer, my mother gave me a choice whether to stay in Taiwan or follow her to Vancouver, because my grades are good and I had great enthusiasm in Taekwondo. Therefore, I wanted to explore the world and increase my world view even more, so I decided to come to Vancouver with my mother.
My ambition in ninth grade is to be on the principal list- which is average 90 and above. Although it is a strenuous goal, but I as long as I can catch up on English and Social studies, my goal is not too far away. Finding what I want to study in university is my long time goal in Vancouver. Vancouver is a very splendid place to find out what my interest, because Vancouver is like a small the version of the whole world with the different people and culture.

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