
The Adventure That I Will Never Forget

“WAKE UP!”I heard my mom yell. I looked out the window and couldn’t see a thing; it was 5 a.m. in the morning!
Mom told us we were going to Whistler- one of the most famous resort towns in Canada during summer. I was so excited. I volunteered to help my mom with the GPS, and I helped my mom prepare lunch. We left the house around 6:30 am.

I always enjoy the scenery on the Sea-to-Sky highway.  The unlimited blue skyline and the wisps of clouds give me a soft and comfortable feeling-like heaven.

It was almost noon when we arrived. The lunch we had on the car saved us some time. We heard the market in the upper village is a must-go-place, so we decided to go. The market was full of people; it was crowded. There wasn’t anything that we were interested in, so we left not long after.

We headed to a trail afterwards. The trees along the trail were so tall that they covered the sunlight. While we were walking and talking, suddenly, something black and big caught my eye-it was a fat and furry bear standing in our way. I was so excited; I held my mom’s hand so tight that it hurt her. The black bear was crossing the road like there were no human beings around, it walked slowly and unhurriedly. I wanted to take pictures of it, but I didn’t want to frighten the bear so I gave up. We stared at the bear for a while until it left, and we finished the trail.

When we were about to go home, we saw a sign saying “horse riding available.” Although the fee was quite expensive, my mom thought it was great that I wanted to try new things out. We hopped on a horse and waited for our coach to teach us how to control the horse. To my surprise, my horse bent down and kept eating grass. I was horrified; I didn’t know what to do. The coach came by and told me how to control my horse. It took me a few times to get hold of the horse. When our one-hour-trail-ride was over, my bottom hurt a lot, and my legs were so sore. I couldn’t walk properly.

The adventure was full of surprises and “first times”. It is a trip I’ll never forget. 


The Adventure That Surprised Me

“WAKE UP!”I heard my mom yell. I looked out the window and couldn’t see a thing; it was 5 a.m. in the morning!
Mom told us we were going to Whistler- one of the most famous resort towns in the world during summer. I was so excited; I volunteered to help my mom with the the GPS. The reason I love when my mom drives on the Sea-to-Sky highway is that you can see the beautiful sea and the sunny and the clear sky.

It was almost noon, when we got to whistler. The lunch we had on the car saved us from wasting time. We heard the market in the upper village was a-must-go-place, so we decided to go to the market. On our way to the upper village, we saw a bear! I was so excited; I held my mom’s hand too tight it hurt her. The black bear was crossing the road like there was no human been around, it walk slowly and unhurried. I wanted to take pictures of it, but I didn’t want to frighten the bear so I gave up.

I was excited when I saw there was horse riding available. Although the fee was quite expensive, Mom thought it is great that I want to try new things out, so she rode with me. We hopped on a horse and waited for our coach to teach us how to control the horse. When our one-hour-trail-ride was over, my bum hurt a lot, and my legs were so sore, I couldn’t walk properly. The adventure was full of surprises and “first times”. It is a trip I’ll never forget.


The Mystery of the Tolland Man

Surprised and terrified, was exactly how the Hoigaard brothers felt when they found now known the most famous bog body. There were digging for peat near the village of Tolland in Aarhus, Denmark in May 1950.
The Tolland man had a skin cap, a smooth hide belt and a rope around his neck, there was also an iron ring. His heart and other organs were healthy and his wisdom teeth had grown, which means he was about 20 years old when he died. The consensus is that the Tolland man was a sacrifice to worship the Goddess of Spring or a traitor.
In my opinion, I think the Tolland man was a slave which was sacrificed. Because, the seeds in the soup he ate weren’t easy to find, they must had been gathered deliberately, which means, the day the he was hang probably had been a special occasion. Back in the Iron Age, people buried iron rings in bogs as an offer to the Spring Goddess, so he was likely to be a sacrifice. There was also another body that was found in bogs around the same time, and had eaten the same soup . So it is clear that the Tolland man was a sacrifice.
Although there is a lot of evidence that explain he was sacrificed, the mystery of the Tolland man still remains…


The Mystery of The Tolland Man - rough copy

Surprised and terrified was exactly how the Hoigaard brothers felt when they found now know the most famous bog body in May 1950 when they were digging for peat near the village of Tollund in Aarhus, Denmark.
The Tollund man had a skin cap, a smooth hide belt and a rope around his neck. His heart and other organs were healthy and his wisdom teeth had grown, which means he was about 20 years old when he died. The consensus is that the Tollund man was hung up by the German tribes as a sacrifice to worship the Goddess of Spring but he had no scars of damages to his neck so it not likely that he was hung.
In my opinion, I think the Tollund man was a slave and was going to be sacrificed. When they were about to hang him up, he ran away then accidently fell into a bog and drowned. This explains why he had the rope around his neck with no scars or any damages, as well as other evidence that give the reason he might have been hung up, for instance, how healthy and young he was when he died.