
The Adventure That I Will Never Forget

“WAKE UP!”I heard my mom yell. I looked out the window and couldn’t see a thing; it was 5 a.m. in the morning!
Mom told us we were going to Whistler- one of the most famous resort towns in Canada during summer. I was so excited. I volunteered to help my mom with the GPS, and I helped my mom prepare lunch. We left the house around 6:30 am.

I always enjoy the scenery on the Sea-to-Sky highway.  The unlimited blue skyline and the wisps of clouds give me a soft and comfortable feeling-like heaven.

It was almost noon when we arrived. The lunch we had on the car saved us some time. We heard the market in the upper village is a must-go-place, so we decided to go. The market was full of people; it was crowded. There wasn’t anything that we were interested in, so we left not long after.

We headed to a trail afterwards. The trees along the trail were so tall that they covered the sunlight. While we were walking and talking, suddenly, something black and big caught my eye-it was a fat and furry bear standing in our way. I was so excited; I held my mom’s hand so tight that it hurt her. The black bear was crossing the road like there were no human beings around, it walked slowly and unhurriedly. I wanted to take pictures of it, but I didn’t want to frighten the bear so I gave up. We stared at the bear for a while until it left, and we finished the trail.

When we were about to go home, we saw a sign saying “horse riding available.” Although the fee was quite expensive, my mom thought it was great that I wanted to try new things out. We hopped on a horse and waited for our coach to teach us how to control the horse. To my surprise, my horse bent down and kept eating grass. I was horrified; I didn’t know what to do. The coach came by and told me how to control my horse. It took me a few times to get hold of the horse. When our one-hour-trail-ride was over, my bottom hurt a lot, and my legs were so sore. I couldn’t walk properly.

The adventure was full of surprises and “first times”. It is a trip I’ll never forget. 

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