
The Mystery of the Tolland Man

Surprised and terrified, was exactly how the Hoigaard brothers felt when they found now known the most famous bog body. There were digging for peat near the village of Tolland in Aarhus, Denmark in May 1950.
The Tolland man had a skin cap, a smooth hide belt and a rope around his neck, there was also an iron ring. His heart and other organs were healthy and his wisdom teeth had grown, which means he was about 20 years old when he died. The consensus is that the Tolland man was a sacrifice to worship the Goddess of Spring or a traitor.
In my opinion, I think the Tolland man was a slave which was sacrificed. Because, the seeds in the soup he ate weren’t easy to find, they must had been gathered deliberately, which means, the day the he was hang probably had been a special occasion. Back in the Iron Age, people buried iron rings in bogs as an offer to the Spring Goddess, so he was likely to be a sacrifice. There was also another body that was found in bogs around the same time, and had eaten the same soup . So it is clear that the Tolland man was a sacrifice.
Although there is a lot of evidence that explain he was sacrificed, the mystery of the Tolland man still remains…

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